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Image Code Item Mrp Price Qty
ONE SOUND CRACKERS (5.pcs pkt) (Offer : 90%)
image 23 1/2 laksmi 130 13
image 34 inch laksmi dlx 350 35
image 54 inch gold laksmi 380 38
image 554a5 Inch Hluk( 5 Pcs ) 600 60
image 8Kumki Crackers 600 60
image 300a2 Sound Crackers 380 38
image 175a5 inch mega sound 700 70
image 589a6 inch mega sound 800 80
image 554a2.3/4 kuruvi 80 8
image 561a6 inch dragon mga sound 800 80
image 1028 Chorsa 135 13.5
image 845a50 deluxe 1100 110
image 546a100 dlx 2050 205
image 584a24 dlx 450 45
image 584a24 dlx 450 45
image 212 k 3600 360
image 225 k 8500 850
image 2310 k 16500 1650
image 110c1 k 1800 180
image 568a10k,Hilet full counding 25000 2500
image 234a300k, 1000 100
image 653aMagic sound wala 2000 200
SOUND BOMBS (Offer : 90%)
image 29Adiyal Paper Bomb 1/4 Kg 600 60
image 27King Of King pomp 1350 135
image 28 NDigital Bomb 12 Bly 2100 210
image 30Atital Paper Bomb 1/2 Kg 1024 102.4
image 57asClacick Pomb 1100 110
image 417aDinosaur pomb big 2100 210
image 451aKing Kong pomb big 1800 180
image 881aAtiyal paper pomb -1kg 1950 195
image 31Red Bijili full 350 35
image 32Stripped Bijili poorvika 480 48
image 458sMagic pobs 90 9
GROUND CHAKKAR (Offer : 90%)
image 36Ground Chakkar Big(10pcs) 380 38
image 41Dancing Wheel 950 95
image 40Wishing Wheel 1500 150
image 43Chakkar Deluxe 1250 125
image 456aGround chakkar(25pcs) 950 95
image 568aGround chakkar spl 850 85
image 655aChakkar mega dlx 1800 180
image 654aWhizz chakkar(2 pcs) 1300 130
FLOWER POTS (Offer : 90%)
image 45Flower Pots Big ( 10 Pcs ) 700 70
image 46Flower Pots Special ( 10 Pcs ) 800 80
image 47Flower Pots Asoka (10 Pcs) 1000 100
image 50Colour Koti (10 Pcs) 2000 200
image 51Red & Green(2 Pcs Big,) 1900 190
image 52 NTricolour Kotti Deluxe (5pcs) 2720 272
image 653aWowstar tricolour multicolour 2800 280
image 657aColour kone 3000 300
image 551aMega jumpokoti flowerpot 4700 470
image 654aKulfi cone 1450 145
image 643aWater melan 1956 195.6
image 563aDedi (5pcs crackling 2850 285
image 678aGujarat flower pot (4 pcsbig) 8000 800
image 714aGujarat flower pot (4pcs gift pox 9800 980
image 554aColourkoti dlx 2500 250
image 854aTin peer flower pot 1000 100
image 580aColour koti dlx mega 4000 400
image 856aWater icone( 2 pcs) 2800 280
ROCKET (Offer : 90%)
image 54 NRocket Bomb 650 65
image 58Wizeling Rocket 2000 200
image 591 1/2' Twinkling Star 300 30
image 604' Twinkling Star 750 75
image 64Pop Con Pencill 5 Pcs 2200 220
image 63Red&green Pencil( 3Pcs) 1100 110
image 65Smoke Candle(3pcs) 1700 170
image 543a7 inch pencils 250 25
image 653aSmock stick10 pcs 1100 110
image 543aWaterfallpencil 5 pcs 2200 220
image 541aSivakasi spl pencil (2 pcs) 2100 210
image 543aSelfe stick 600 60
image 657aNavarang pencil 1400 140
image 654aLoly pop 2200 220
image 66Multi Color Shower(5pcs) 950 95
image 71 NOld Is Gold 25 Pcs Box 1700 170
image 68Music Pop 1760 176
image 69Colour Collection 5pcs 1600 160
image 73Siren Deluxe/ music (3 Pcs l 1800 180
image 784&4 Wheel Chakkar 1600 160
image 806 Inch Tin Beer mega 1760 176
image 134 NHelicopter 1100 110
image 134Water Queen 6 Inch 1850 185
image 199a Doro singer 1600 160
image 465aPeacock 1800 180
image 345aLolipop 2280 228
image 563aMony bank small 500 50
image 456aSound marriage small 800 80
image 489aSizzling queen 1980 198
image 554aMRF Bat ball 2700 270
image 682 aBubj gun 2050 205
image 345aAK47 gun 2100 210
image 563aWater gun+photo blush 3500 350
image 265aEmu egg (new writer 2300 230
image 265aWater gun 4500 450
image 675aMony Bank Big (3pcs) 2200 220
image 560aTin peer foundan (5inch) 1000 100
image 457aPeacock feathers 1100 110
image 654aTop gun( 5pcs) 1600 160
image 654aDrone-5pcs 1600 160
image 852 1/2 inch fancy 1000 100
image 863 1/2 inch fancy 2560 256
image 884 inch fancy 3200 320
image 894'inch fancy (dopleBall ) mega 3900 390
image 822 inch Fancy Pipe(3pcs ) 2200 220
image 175 p4 Inch (2 Pcs Fancy) 8500 850
image 303a4 Inch Spl Colour Fanchun 3200 320
image 556a5 inch mega fancy (2 pcs) 8500 850
image 653a2.5 fancy (3 steps fungsion) 2100 210
image 456aBellyjelly(flowerpot@fancyshot) 4000 400
image 562a4 inch mega fancy (2 pcs) 7500 750
image 758a1.5 inch chotta fancy 420 42
image 681aColour& multicolour shot 3600 360
image 90 N7shot Sonny Company 1100 110
image 9530 shot Special 5 Colour 4000 400
image 9760 Shot Multi Colour 8000 800
image 98120 Shot Multi colour 18000 1800
image 99240 Shot Multi Colour 26000 2600
image 100500 shot Festival 65000 6500
image 456a25 Shots writers 2300 230
image 345a12 shot multi writer 1900 190
image 563a50 whizling shot 19000 1900
image 765a25 whizling shot 9000 900
image 1312 Inch Setout.25 Shot Multi Colour 20000 2000
image 654a10*10 multi colour shot 30000 3000
image 1017cm Electric Sparklers 85 8.5
image 1027cm Colour Sparklers 110 11
image 1037cm Green Sparklers 168 16.8
image 10510cm Electric Sparklers 180 18
image 10610cm Colour Sparklers 190 19
image 10710cm Green Sparklers 216 21.6
image 10912cm Electric Sparklers 180 18
image 11012cm Colour Sparklers 252 25.2
image 11112cm Green Sparklers 270 27
image 11315cm Electric Sparklers 468 46.8
image 120015cm Color Sparklers 500 50
image 11515cm Green Sparklers 532 53.2
image 11730cm Electric Sparklers 400 40
image 11830cm Colour Sparklers 500 50
image 11930cm Green Sparklers 532 53.2
image 12150cm Electric Sparklers 1500 150
image 12250cm Colour Sparklers 1700 170
image 560aUmpurla Rotati sparkling 2400 240
image 857a15 cm red 600 60
image 125Laptop matches 10 Pcs) 1850 185
image 128Serpant Egg(10pcs) 300 30
image 129Sony Gun With Ring Cap 1400 140
image 558aAnakonda snack dabilet 1750 175
image 541aColour matches super dlx 1000 100
image 477a40 writis compo pake 3000/ 3000/
image 888a50 writis compo pake 5000/ 5000/
image 854a30 writis gift pox 450 450
image 563a40 writis gift pox 650 650
image 541a50 writis gift pox 800 800
image 431a21 writis gift pox 300 300

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